
My obsession with HAED and crochet and yarn and stuff . . . . .

Friday, 4 February 2011

Ta da!

Here she is, my pretty Porthole mermaid - halfway done. I am loving stitching her!

Porthole as at 3 February 2011

I have at last ordered my threads for the 2011 SAL (stitching Curl Up with a Good Book). I only needed 21 colours which was a great bonus! I just need to grid my fabby and then hopefully I can make a start for the March SAL week. I'm not going to be able to keep up with those that have already started, but hopefully I will be able to make my yearly goal of at least getting one page finished :-)

In the meantime, onwards with my mermie!


  1. Está quedando precioso tu trabajo.
    Enhorabuena por ello!
    Un beso y feliz fin de semana.
